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Team Charter


Each Veteran is securely connected to the VA services that matter most to them regardless of device or VA org chart.

Mission statement

A native mobile app that is a trusted source for Veterans to quickly and easily check the status of their VA services and complete simple, transactional tasks across their health and benefits.

What we work on

Product suite

  • Health, benefits, payments, and profile products and services.
  • Global systems like UI library, FE components, accessibility, devops, governance and documentation.

Product portfolio


  • Appointments
  • Secure Messages
  • Prescriptions
  • Vaccines


  • Claims & appeals status
  • Disability rating
  • Letters


  • Personal & military information


  • Compensation

Team organization

The VA mobile App team is split into two groups covering different areas of focus.

Red team

Health-related products in the app.

Blue team

Benefits-related products, global app features like navigation and single sign on (SIS), and incremental improvements and maintenance (aka TLC).

See teaming information for the team roster.

How we work


Slack DSVA “#va-mobile-app”:

This is our main means of communication with each other. Keep as much conversation in public channels as possible, to minimize duplicative and extraneous communication.


  • Product and research documentation are on repository.
  • Codebase and issues are on separate VA mobile repository.
  • Update tickets regularly. If conversations happen in Slack that are pertinent to a product or initiative, copy the useful info into GitHub/ZenHub.

See Team Norms for more details on team communications.

Team meeting cadence


Check in on people and product progress. Raise blockers.

  • Every Tuesday and Thursdays
  • 15-30 minutes
  • Red team at 1:30pm ET
  • Blue team at 2pm ET

Sprint Planning

Outline work to be done this sprint in order to accomplish the team's goals.

  • Last Tuesday of every sprint
  • 1 hour
  • Red team at 1pm ET
  • Blue team at 2pm ET


Showcase of work done during the previous sprint.

  • Thursday after the end of every sprint
  • 45 minutes
  • Entire team (Red + Blue) at 2:35 ET


Open discussion on what has gone well, what has been challenging, and discussion of action items.

  • Mid-Thursday of every sprint
  • 45 minutes
  • Entire team (Red + Blue) at 2:30 ET

Sprint 0

Team and POs working ahead of the team to define future initiatives. Create draft product briefs that we can pull from in the future. Open to anyone on the team.

  • 1 hour
  • Weekly on Wednesdays at 1:05pm ET

Scrum of Scrums (SoS)

Product, leads, and PO get together to discuss:

  • Highlight the quarterly plan and review progress
  • Review changes in risks, dependencies, assumptions, or priority for the current sprint
  • Review insights from ongoing discovery or delivery work in the current sprint
  • Discuss the plan for the upcoming sprint
  • Rebalance team staffing if necessary
  • Triage unplanned work


  • 1 hour
  • Weekly on Tuesdays at 4:05pm ET

Quarterly Planning

Outline work to be done next quarter in order to accomplish the team's goals.

  • Upcoming tentative dates
    • Q2 2023 - 4/4/23
    • Q3 2023 - 6/27/23
    • Q4 2023 - 10/3/23
    • Q1 2024 - 1/9/24
  • 2 hours
  • Entire team (Red + Blue)

GitHub Etiquette

  • Anyone on the team can create a(n) issue/ticket/story.
  • All teammates are responsible for keeping them up to date.
  • Templates are available within the new issue/ticket/story during creation.

Labels to use:

  • Team assigned (mobile-blue-team, etc)
  • Discipline(s) (ux, content, front-end, back-end, qa)
  • Feature area(s) if applicable (direct-deposit, payments, etc.)
  • For bugs, add the bug tag and applicable severity tag

Epics should include:

  • Clear acceptance criteria
  • Definition of done
  • A user story that reflects the benefit to a Veteran, Caregiver, or other user
  • Been broken up into discrete tasks/Github tickets that are attached to the epic
  • All components/steps have been accounted for in the epic
  • Documented risks: Risks: Value Risk, Feasibility Risk, Business Viability Risk, Usability Risk

Stories/Tickets should include:

  • Title that explains the goal in plain language
  • Linked to another ticket or epic
  • Includes:
    • Description (what happened & why we need this ticket),
    • General tasks to perform
    • Acceptance criteria (expected result)


We use fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13) to account for the level of effort, complexity, and amount of unknowns in our work. Here is our guide:

1xxsmallTrivial change - Up to 2 hours (time mostly in submitting the work)
2xsmallSmall change - Up to 4 hours (More validation is required)
3smallRoutine addon/none new - 1 to 2 days (small work/high domain knowledge/1 or no moving parts)
5mediumRoutine addon/none new - 2 to 3 days (medium work/1-2 moving parts)
8largeNew work/High Complexity - 3 to 5 days (over 2 moving parts)
13xlargeToo big/Risky, should be broken down - 1 to 2 weeks